Spin Innovation Conference is our annual appointment. The conference takes place on October, previous invitation at Museo Alfa Romeo – Arese (MI) Italy.
The conference is divided into presentations and technical topics given by industry experts from the following companies.
- 8.30 am – 9.00 am | Welcome Coffee and Registration
- 9.00 am – 9.20 am | Conference introduction and new Spin developments | Luigi Rizzi Spin
- 9.20 am – 9.40 am | The stamping process for special electric roatating machines from prototyping to the serial production | Fabio Menini VMF
- 10.00 am – 10.20 am | Innovative Technologies for EESM wound rotors | Piero Vanzetti Marsilli Spa
- 10.30 am – 10.50 am | PPE – The new drivetrain of Audi and Porsche | Florian Bittner Audi DE
- 10.50 am – 11.00 am | Break
- 11.10 am – 11.30 am | Industrializaton of the synchronous and asynchronous stator: from design to implementation | Fabrizio Bardelli Came spa
- 11.40 am – 12.00 pm | What’s New in Altair’s Electrification Solution ? | Vincent Leconte Altair
- 12.10 pm – 12.30 pm | Comprehensive component and system level benefits quantification of Ketaspire PEEK on BEV eMotors electrical insulation: cost, weight, evironmental footprint | Luigi Marino & Simone Bottegal Solvay
- 12.40 pm- 13.00 pm pm | Axial Flux Motor from pre-design to prototype test | Umberto Bottero Spin
- 13.00 pm – 14.00 pm | Lunch
- 14.00 pm – 16.00 pm | Museum guided tour
- 14.00 pm – 18.00 pm | Technical meeting 1:1 ( software support and new feature request, new developments , device development, technologies discussion